The latest technology for detecting breast cancer
Mammogram produces both 2D as well as 3D form of images related to the breasts. This technique has increased the ability to detect breast cancers at the earliest stage. At the same time, it is useful to reduce the requirement of getting the extra form of tests that has to be done for the non-cancer detection. Such kind of advanced technology to find the breast cancer is done by the mammogram screening in Fair Lawn, NJ
the screening using the technology of mammogram is mainly used to screen the women having the symptom of the breast cancer or who do not have any signs of breast cancer but do not have such problems. X-ray images are taken mainly from two different angles.
It is also used to screen women who had taken the treatment to cure breast cancer before.
What is shown by mammograms?
It usually shows the abnormal part related to the breast. Though it is hard to assure the abnormal area is related to cancer but it is helpful for the health care personnel to decide the requirement of other kinds of tests like breast biopsy other kinds of changes in the breast can also be found in the bread like calcifications, masses, distortions and asymmetries with the help of mammogram.
Functioning of the mammograms:
It is done with the help of a machine that is designed only to look at the issue related to the breast. The machine is used to take the x-rays compared to the lower doses other than usual x-rays that are used on the other part of the body such as bones or lungs. The machine of the mammogram usually has two plates that compress the breast to spread apart the tissue. This will be useful to get a good image and also allows the lesser use of radiation.
Many studies have proved that the use of mammography has lowered the chance of risk that is caused by breast cancer and at the same time, it is more useful for women having dense breasts. It is suggested to get mammography done by the women who are above the age of 45 by the advice of the doctor.