
August 31, 2022

Best Bongs: A Detailed Overview

Cannabis use for recreational purposes is rapidly increasing, especially since its legalization in some areas. Naturally, this progression has resulted in developments in cannabis culture, smoking, and consumption in general. While classic smoking methods such as joints, pipes, and vapes have existed, individuals continually attempt to enhance these methods. The best bongs are one of the most effective approaches to cannabis consumption. This is why new designs are constantly being developed in the cannabis industry to improve people’s experiences with them. However, with market saturation comes a plethora of defective items. The ordinary head shop has so many options that even seasoned stoners may become dizzy picking which to purchase.

Viable Sizes of a bong

Bongs can vary in length from extremely little to quite huge, depending on the design. Size does not determine the most fantastic bong, but it is essential to you. Mini bongs of 8′′ or less are the most portable.

These bongs are a bit restrictive between size and smoke amount. However, if you are more concerned with the capacity of your bong to produce smoke, you can go for larger ones above 14′′ and even 18′′ and larger. What matters is that you examine your lifestyle while selecting a size.

Robustness of the bong

Bongs can be constructed from a wide range of materials. There are opaque bongs, elastomeric bongs, and even porcelain bongs. Glass bongs are famous because they are heat resistant, easy to clean and maintain, and long-lasting. High-quality borosilicate glass is the most durable and widely used material for making the best bongs. If the material is thick enough, it will not break even when dropped from great heights. Ceramic bongs, however, are neither as durable nor as standard. Porcelain is commonly used due to its heat resistance, ease of cleaning, and, most importantly, its low cost.


Technically, bongs are not forbidden, but illegal substances are. This category doesn’t come in the category of illegal substances, including bongs and other smoking accessories. The bong is a glass tube used to ingest any substance that includes legal substances like CBD oil or delta-8 products.

It simply means that the bong will become unlawful if it is utilized as an illegal substance, i.e., to consume narcotics. In this case, drugs refer to controlled substances. Otherwise, your bong is legal. If your state has legalized recreational marijuana usage, it is safe to assume that bongs are entirely legal for drug consumption.