Education consultants advise educators on matters relating to the field of education. Education consultants seek various opportunities, from a one-time malaysia education consultant to a long-term employment position with a school. The increasing number of students is a driving factor behind the growing demand for education consultants, which is projected to rise by 10 percent from 2012 to 2022.
Education consultants usually have teaching experience.
Education consultants are usually teachers. The implication is that they know something about teaching, but it’s equally likely that they don’t know the first thing about how to teach. Most of the malaysia education consultant knows are big on assessments. They like data. They love data. But tests have weaknesses. First, they tell one nothing about what one did. Second, they tell one nothing about what one understood.
What, for example, did one understand about quadratic equations in high-school algebra? Did one understand how to solve them? Or did one understand the concept that equations with one or more variables can have complex roots? A test can tell one whether one solved the problem correctly. But it doesn’t tell one whether one understood the thing one was supposed to solve. Only good lessons, and good teaching, can do that.
Most education consultants also believe, probably correctly, that teachers are underpaid. Yet, their pay is based mainly on test scores, and test scores are determined by what students know. If teachers were overpaid, students would get better, and test scores would improve. Most education consultants also believe that many teachers are incompetent. Incompetent teachers, they think, should be fired. If teachers were incompetent, they wouldn’t be teaching. But suppose that teachers were incompetent in the same way as everyone else. In that case, if they were fired, their students would be taught by better teachers, and test scores would improve. So incompetent teachers aren’t fired. They’re retained.