Shopping · November 2, 2022

What You Need To Take Note Of When Buying A Bong

Bongs are another way of smoking cannabis effectively without the need of rolling a paper. They can be quite expensive but one thing is that they are portable and can be carried anywhere. You can as well try Beaker Bongs.

Aside from this, there are other types of bongs available in the market but we would not be going into that. However, we would be discussing what you need to watch out for when buying a bong online.

Below are the things to Consider When Buying a Bong

Bong Material

It is no doubt that you will find bongs and water pipes made with different kinds of materials. The most popular material used is borosilicate glass because it is clean and as a glass bong, it does not contain or release any kind of harmful chemicals when used. These glass bongs are also capable of containing extreme temperatures without the fear of damage. It is why most bong materials contain glass pieces such as a glass bowl. Despite all these, they still are not considered the safest, compared to acrylic and silicon bongs which are more durable and useful for more active smokers. Are you looking for a more unique bong? Then you should try out bamboo or ceramic bongs. These bongs are classics which date back aeons ago and are more durable and reliable.

Bong Size

purchase bongs

No matter how fancy a bong might look, you need to take into consideration the size and how it would fit into your lifestyle. A bigger bong and water pipe are usually expensive and bulkier, meaning they cannot be used outside the homes. The smaller ones are quite versatile and suitable for on-the-go smoking.

Joint Size

Aside from considering the size of the bong, you should also put about thinking the size of the joint as this is what connects your bong to its accessories and pipes. The joints are usually measured in diameter and will only be compatible with something of the same size as it.

The standard joint sizes are 10mm, 14.5mm and 18.8mm. anything bigger than that will fit into a bigger one and give you bigger hits. And in case you are looking for a bigger joint size, you just have to state them.

Bong Budget

Just as you need to be careful with your budget of any kind, you also need to consider how much you would spend on your new bong. You would find varieties of bongs for sale and different stocks at different prices.